Since 2018 it has occurred to me to make a horror video game that is not so realistic but that explores human psychology too much.
The video game I have in mind is called Mailpress and at first I thought about doing it like FNAF where you are a janitor in a building and if you don't clean a damaged device a monster will chase you and blah blah blah, ideas of my asshole myself from years ago.
As the years went by, I thought that this idea was bullshit and I came up with something much better, to explore human psychology. The game will try to explore what disturbs the player the most, regardless of whether it is something that has previously traumatized the player's life (as traumacore does, but well done).
I still have to think hard about its story, gameplay, why you're a fucking janitor and why there's a fucking ghost trying to kill you, etc...
I have these sprites created for a long time, but I am going to remake them to make things right from scratch.